IGN: Saviour
Age:14, 15 real soon.
Steam profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HazzerIsCoolerThanYou/
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114217997
Previous servers you've been staff on, and/or trustworthy people who can recommend you for the rank:
I have been moderator on ExhibitionRP and close to admin after I resigned, this is due to personal isssues at the time but now I am ready to dedicate my time on the server. People who recommend me are Fitz, Random, pacaso, Hiriko and Detective Google.
Reason for applying to be staff:
I had been on the server even from the start, and always keen to join the staff team and I would just like to help out and improve on helping the staff team and player base, I am willing to dedicate my time to make sure the server is in top condition I can spend up to 4-5 hours on school days and up to 7-8hours on non school days I know I need a life xD
I've always been a big fan of the server from the start and now I want to apply and see if I can help in anything on the server.
And also I can get up at 6am - about 10pm. :) Depends how long you want me to be on.
IGN: Saviour
Age:14, 15 real soon.
Steam profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HazzerIsCoolerThanYou/
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114217997
Previous servers you've been staff on, and/or trustworthy people who can recommend you for the rank:
I have been moderator on ExhibitionRP and close to admin after I resigned, this is due to personal isssues at the time but now I am ready to dedicate my time on the server. People who recommend me are Fitz, Random, pacaso, Hiriko and Detective Google.
Reason for applying to be staff:
I had been on the server even from the start, and always keen to join the staff team and I would just like to help out and improve on helping the staff team and player base, I am willing to dedicate my time to make sure the server is in top condition I can spend up to 4-5 hours on school days and up to 7-8hours on non school days I know I need a life xD
I've always been a big fan of the server from the start and now I want to apply and see if I can help in anything on the server.
And also I can get up at 6am - about 10pm. :) Depends how long you want me to be on.