Saviour's staff app

IGN: Saviour
Age:14, 15 real soon.
Steam profile link:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114217997

Previous servers you've been staff on, and/or trustworthy people who can recommend you for the rank:
I have been moderator on ExhibitionRP and close to admin after I resigned, this is due to personal isssues at the time but now I am ready to dedicate my time on the server. People who recommend me are Fitz, Random, pacaso, Hiriko and Detective Google.

Reason for applying to be staff:
I had been on the server even from the start, and always keen to join the staff team and I would just like to help out and improve on helping the staff team and player base, I am willing to dedicate my time to make sure the server is in top condition I can spend up to 4-5 hours on school days and up to 7-8hours on non school days I know I need a life xD
I've always been a big fan of the server from the start and now I want to apply and see if I can help in anything on the server.

And also I can get up at 6am - about 10pm. :) Depends how long you want me to be on.

FraGg said previously:

IGN: Saviour
Steam profile link:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114217997

Previous servers you've been staff on, and/or trustworthy people who can recommend you for the rank:
I have been moderator on ExhibitionRP and close to admin after I resigned.

Reason for applying to be staff:
I had been on the server even from the start, and always keen to join the staff team and I would just like to help out and improve on helping the staff team and player base.

-support lack of detail, sorry... 

I updated it :)

+ support

Vietnam is a country. 
+1 Met him, seems like a decent guy. Stingy bastard though, and has steep interest rates. Never hire this man as your lawyer.

+1 Good player

I can't remember meeting on the top of my head, so I can't really give you a vote
I'm sure you would make a great staff member, and I appreciate your word choice you used in your application.
Once I get to know you more, I would love for you to be staff on our server in the future!
+support he seems to care about what others believe and believes their opinions matter has he did update his staff application, has good conversational skills, and I think he'd be professional. 

+support Seems like a reasonable guy and seems to know what he is doing i think he'd be perfect for the server in the matter of needs.

+1 even though he arrest me sounded like a cool guy

+support great app stuck to the point.

I updated more

I got trusted now so I can continue my staff app :)
And btw xenoking I'm more online now due to before school work but now Im way more often online.

TheXenoKing said previously:

I can't remember meeting on the top of my head, so I can't really give you a vote
I'm sure you would make a great staff member, and I appreciate your word choice you used in your application.
Once I get to know you more, I would love for you to be staff on our server in the future!

Im way more often on now It was due to school work because I had the hardest year at the time, so I have way less work and more time to come on :)

+Support - Seems to know the rules pretty well. I believe he would make a great addition to the staff team!

+Support - Friendly, knows rules and great to screw aroudn with.

+support A nice player on the server, knows rules and I see him help people out alot.

So yah wanna be a tunnel snake?
[Deleted By Author]

Im on the holiday week so I got loads of time for the server ;)

+nice guy and follows rules. one recommendation is that you get on more frequently.

- Said he would be on more, still havent seen him.

Im mainly chill unless im on edge or a family member/animal has passed away, Im sorry if i bring harm onto you when im a bit upset and if i do i will try to do anything i can to help you in return for my deppresing times.

+1 been on very often, knows rules by heart, very friendly, BEST LAWYER. He'd make a great staff member.
