Mic?: (yes/no) Yes
Steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198436809568/home
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:238271920
Previous servers you've been staff on, and/or trustworthy people who can recommend you for the rank: ZaneHarvey B.A (I have not been admin on a server before)
Reason for applying to be staff:I Want to help the community grow and keep people in check when breaking rules i'm available at most hours of the day and i know how yo follow rules/orders when given them i also am very up to date with all of the ulx commands and i know how to use them i also have an idea of correct punishments for certain rule breakers
Mic?: (yes/no) Yes
Steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198436809568/home
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:238271920
Previous servers you've been staff on, and/or trustworthy people who can recommend you for the rank: ZaneHarvey B.A (I have not been admin on a server before)
Reason for applying to be staff:I Want to help the community grow and keep people in check when breaking rules i'm available at most hours of the day and i know how yo follow rules/orders when given them i also am very up to date with all of the ulx commands and i know how to use them i also have an idea of correct punishments for certain rule breakers