Reality's Staff Application

IGN: SoundOfReality/Reality(depends on what of the names i will finaly use in the end)
Age: 17
Mic: Yes
Steam profile link:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:156974997

People who could recoment me: Archimonde |WZ| god of the sky Clifco57 xFresh  (this people know how i bahve on the sever and know what i do on the sever and how i talk to people that dont follow rules or are rassist or call me a nazi for the last on just ask god of the sky what i do to some one calling me a nazi becaus im german.)

I apply for staff becaus  i get rdmed, spwankilled, name it some one did it to me and i ant to help the sever become a comunitty of nice rule following people. I know the rules follow them as everyone should.

Im sorry for my bad writing english is not my native languege so i hope you guy understand.


+support Great person, knows the rules, I recommended him, and would be excellent for the staff team.

+ :) k

+support You Cool, You BEST Friend, You noob, knows rules, Awesome friend

+suppout cool guy

+support follows rules, cool guy. and active.

+support Knows rules and follows them, very Active and a friendly guy
+support cool guy, knows rules, don't know him at all but he my dado

+Support guy is really chill and knows the rules well 
-knows the rules
-fun to play with
-very T H I C C

-Nice guy
-Nice to RP with
- oooooooooooooofffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

